

Leading an Organization that Attracts, Develops, Supports, and Retains a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Leading an Organization that Attracts, Develops, Supports, and Retains a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce

Tanja Dysli is currently the Chief Supply Chain Officer at IKEA US. She has worked in various roles with IKEA since 2003, with placements in Sweden, China, Germany, and Poland. Tanja has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from the University of Applied Sciences in Olten, Switzerland.

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Welcome Day Panel: The ROI on Women and Diversity in Operational Leadership has Never Been Higher

Welcome Day Panel: The ROI on Women and Diversity in Operational Leadership has Never Been Higher

Creating a purpose-driven strategy that makes an impact as our organizations grows and nurtures a diverse workforce
Understanding the leader’s role as a force to shape and demonstrate corporate culture, and to serve as a catalyst for equality and inclusion
Sharing typical challenges faced by corporations when trying to promote diversity in the workforce
Illustrating the importance of today’s leaders building up and supporting the next generation our organizations will need for the future. What does that look like on a day-to-day basis?
Offering examples of strong and effective mentorship programs in onboarding, cross-training, job shadowing, and continuing education that make the difference

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Panel: Supporting the Women Who Make Our Manufacturing Organizations Work

Panel: Supporting the Women Who Make Our Manufacturing Organizations Work

At NAMES24 we recorded a panel discussing the women who make manufacturing organizations work.

Discussing, debating, comparing, and contrasting options in the New Normal of Work when we talk about working caregivers, employee mental health programs, work-life balance, flexibility and moving away from one-size-fits-all thinking, maternity leave, post-maternity leave reintegration, and more.

Give it a listen!

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Building a Foundation for a DE&I Program in 120 Days

Building a Foundation for a DE&I Program in 120 Days

Tish Archie-Oliver is the Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging for Unilever, North America. In this role, she oversees the integration of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging in the business and talent agenda for the United States and Canada. In addition, she leads the organization’s mission to achieve equity in all forms – talent, brand, and supplier diversity.

Before joining Unilever, Tish served as the Second Vice President of Enterprise Diversity & Inclusion at Travelers Insurance. She was responsible for integrating diversity and inclusion strategies into talent acquisition, retention, and development practices and processes across the enterprise.

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Centering Equity in your DEI Journey — A Conversation with Toni Lowe of Huge

Centering Equity in your DEI Journey — A Conversation with Toni Lowe of Huge

At the most recent edition of the North American HR Executive Summit we sat down with Toni Lowe, the Chief Diversity Equity Inclusion Officer at Huge, a creative consultancy that works with organizations ranging from Google and Nike to Audi and the NBA. Toni hosted a themed lunch discussion on the importance of Equity as the foundation upon which all DEI programming should be built upon, and in this interview she shares some of the most important takeaways from that conversation. The acronym of DEI sometimes lumps things together in a way that clouds issues and makes it difficult to prioritize work that HR practitioners can and should do to move their cultures forward. Toni makes a powerful case that Diversity and Inclusion cannot be achieved if Equity has not already been addressed and included on an ongoing basis, but what does that look like in real terms? Give this episode a listen!

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Jason Lioy of Dawn Foods — Implementing DEI Initiatives from the Ground Up

Jason Lioy of Dawn Foods — Implementing DEI Initiatives from the Ground Up

At the most recent edition of the North American HR Executive Summit we sat down with Jason Lioy, the Chief People Officer of Dawn Foods, to talk about a themed lunch discussion he hosted on launching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs. Jason’s own organization has a great story to share in this space, and he wanted to gather together other HR professionals who are on their own DEI journeys to share where they are, what they are doing, where they are finding success and what they want to do next. Over the course of an hour-long conversation with like-minded executives, many ideas and innovations were explored, and in this interview Jason shares some of the key context and takeaways with a wider audience. Give it a listen!

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Fireside Chat: Purpose At Work: How Google Is Forging a New Frontier for Diversity and Inclusion

Fireside Chat: Purpose At Work: How Google Is Forging a New Frontier for Diversity and Inclusion

Where are most companies missing the mark with diversity, equity, and inclusion? How is this affecting abilities to attract and retain top talent? Shifting internal conversations to ensure leaders and teams are deeply engaged to build a culture of empowerment and safety Focusing on senior leadership: Overcoming fears of failure, encouraging effort, whole-picture thinking, and deconstructing old habits Leveraging partnerships that disrupt traditional approaches to DEI and building community and shared experiences across your corporate culture Solving environmental issues that create exclusion to produce long lasting change — Melonie Parker Chief Diversity Officer Google Melonie Parker is an HR executive committed…

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The Workforce is Hybrid. Are You Ready?

The Workforce is Hybrid. Are You Ready?

What are the implications of being “hybrid” on the workplace, company policies, culture, and talent? Key things to consider to build a hybrid strategy that works for you Lessons learned doing hybrid at scale for 10 years Mythbusters! Can we debunk some of the worries and media around hybrid work and its impact on inclusion, culture, early in career talent, advancement and diversity? — Jennifer Saavedra Chief Human Resources Officer Dell Technologies Jenn Saavedra is Dell Technologies’ Chief Human Resources Officer. She leads the company’s Global Human Resources and Facilities function and accelerates the performance and growth of the company through…

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Underrepresented or Institutionally Failed? Building in DE&I as a Strategy for Growth

Underrepresented or Institutionally Failed? Building in DE&I as a Strategy for Growth

Making the business case that DE&I is not just an HR exercise but one that needs to be built in as a core strategy for business growth or we are failing our key constituents:  employees, consumers, and shareholders Examining the new forces at play that are rapidly accelerating both employee and consumer expectations of the role companies play in driving equality both inside our companies and within our communities Discuss how building an organization with a fairness mindset is key to our efforts and ultimately a strong, sustainable strategy Share human insights through storytelling that recognize the different needs, beliefs…

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Creating a Culture of Belonging: Neiman Marcus Group’s Journey to Becoming More Equitable, Inclusive, and an Employer of Choice

Creating a Culture of Belonging: Neiman Marcus Group’s Journey to Becoming More Equitable, Inclusive, and an Employer of Choice

Defining Belonging and how NMG took a differentiated approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion NMG’s 18-month journey to implementing an effective Belonging program, resulting in Belonging being the highest-rated component of NMG’s Associate Value Proposition Leveraging NMG’s lessons learned for your own DEI journey to create a workplace where everyone belongs Eric Severson Chief People & Belonging Officer Neiman Marcus Eric Severson is Chief People & Belonging Officer at Neiman Marcus. For more than two decades, Eric has built evidence-based systems to manage talent and drive organizational performance, enabling companies to differentiate their employment brands and drive competitive advantage through…

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Progressing Global Inclusion and Diversity Ambitions Locally

Progressing Global Inclusion and Diversity Ambitions Locally

How to tailor and progress global I&D ambitions locally, recognizing cultural nuances and local priorities Creating transparency and embedding accountability: From ideas through to action Going beyond the business: Impacting broader society Unlocking engagement and action, through purpose driven I&D activation The critical role we all play – from Leaders and Line Managers to Employee Resource Groups Laura Watt EVP Human Resources Diageo North America Laura joined Diageo as the Human Resources Director, Diageo Business Services in September 2017 and was appointed as the EVP for HR, North America in January 2020. Laura has over 25 years of experience in…

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Inclusive Talent Management

Inclusive Talent Management

Why is workplace inclusion important? Sharing ways leadership can best integrate and encourage Diversity and Inclusion in organizations Looking at how LVMH is evolving workplace culture to engage a new generation of talent Understanding the changing dynamics of employees How has the global pandemic impacted our efforts to integrate diversity and inclusion in our workforce? Karin Raguin VP of Talent Management & CSR LVMH Enabling people to shape their own career paths. This exciting proposition perfectly sums up my professional work. I began my own career in human relations – employee training and reconversion – and those formative years left…

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