The Strategy to Deliver a Supply Chain’s Long-Term Vision — A Conversation with John Mau of Ocean Spray Cranberries
In the run-up to the 2024 edition of the North American Supply Chain Executive Summit we spoke with John Mau, the Director of Operations & Supply Chain Strategy, about the power and importance of long-term visions for supply chains, and the strategies involved in delivering on those far-reaching objectives. John will be hosting a focus group on this topic as NASCES24. What are some of the ideas he wants to share? What does he hope other people will contribute to the discussion? How should supply chain executives be thinking proactively in an Age of Disruption, and how can some of the principles of Lean thinking and a Culture of Continuous Improvement contribute to a supply chain organization that is getting incrementally better all the time, building towards truly impressive achievements one step at a time? For all this and more, give this episode a listen!
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