- Common drivers for success:
- Leveraging Artificial and Business Intelligence to deploy automated systems to detect abnormal performance
- Deploying an automated management alarm and escalation system; used emails and text messages to accelerate response to performance-impacting events
- Creating real-time management dashboards and alerts, tailored for each role
- Connecting and integrating data across multiple platforms, e.g. PLCs, ERPs, QMS, LIMS, etc.
- Manufacturing Case Study: 300% productivity improvement in a capacity-constrained environment
For the last 15 years Jaime has supported more than one hundred consulting engagements with Life Science companies
delivering significant productivity improvements in supply chain and quality systems. He started his consulting career at
McKinsey & Company’s Operations practice, where he led major improvement initiatives with J&J, Wyeth, Abbott, and BMS
among other and co-founded OQSIE in 2013, where he and co-founder Bill Schmidt lead a team of seventy consultants
supporting small and large Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, and Medical Device companies. Prior to that, Jaime ran operations
in the electro-mechanical manufacturing industry, was VP of Global Operations at three mid-size companies before
transitioning to consulting.