

NAMES20 – A Presentation and In-Depth Interview with Shane Yount of Competitive Solutions Inc.

NAMES20 – A Presentation and In-Depth Interview with Shane Yount of Competitive Solutions Inc.

From Defense to Offense – The New Reality of Leadership Unprecedented change and challenges are facing organizations across industry type. “Red Cape-Heroic” leadership can be necessary in managing a crisis, but it cannot become the perpetuating force driving the organization. Now is the time to “LEAN INTO” the Non-Negotiable systems and processes required to move from a position of Defense to Offense both organizationally and from a leadership execution standpoint. Specifically: Creating the framework for a robust Management System Creating a Digital Management System that becomes the Single Source of Truth Creating an Engagement Culture that is Measurable and Demonstrative…

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Process Based Leadership – Tactical Processes for Sustainable Strategy Execution

Process Based Leadership – Tactical Processes for Sustainable Strategy Execution

Countless organizations conduct annual strategic planning exercises, and 70% of those plans fail. Organizational saturation and the inability to sustain aspirational plans are the two leading failure factors. Now is the time to stop talking about the next plan, tool, meeting, or strategy and examine first and foremost the purpose, function, and output of your tactical “Way of Work.” Learn how to: Drive business acumen that allows colleagues to answer the question, “Are we winning or losing?” Drive a communication cadence that puts leaders on offense, not defense Drive an execution system that makes accountability visible, personal, and measurable Move…

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