Receive insight on plan design changes that employers are implementing and their views on the rapidly changing healthcare environment in the current climate of almost zero unemployment. Value based plan designs are driving the future of healthcare strategy—replacing the Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP) strategy of 2016-2018! The landscape is changing—stay on top of industry trends. In this session we will discuss:
- What does the new workforce look like, and what do survey data sets show on what they are looking for in benefits
- What do “Best Places to Work” employer benefits contain?
- Cost of Talent acquisition with the benefits programs
- Check-List of benefits to consider adding in 2019 and 2020
SVP Health & Welfare Consulting
Trion Group, a Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC
Marybeth supervises the overall account management for her clients. Skilled at analyzing companies’ health care costs and benefit plans, she is an expert in identifying financial opportunities and assisting with strategic planning, particularly with large, self-insured clients. For more than 25 years, Marybeth has worked in the employee benefits field and has continually reduced costs for employers and their employees. She was recently named one of EBN’s 2017 Most Influential Women in Benefit Advising. This list includes 30 leaders whose unique client management strategies, innovative data manipulation and other industry-leading skills are transforming the field.