


Interview Worth Your Time 2023

We have mentioned before that 2023 is the year The bluEPrint podcast moved from an intermittent thing to a regular weekly piece of content, and we are excited to add our YouTube Channel as one more way to highlight some of the great conversations we are having both at our events and through virtual interviews in between summits. Just before last Christmas we put together, ‘Our Favorite Interviews of 2022’ to showcase some of the discussions we were most proud of in the run-up to this year’s expansion, and then in early April we did another collection, “Showcasing the Interviews…

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NAFS23 in a Nutshell

The 2023 edition of the long-running and successful North American Food Safety & Quality series ran September 25th through the 29th at the Westin Chicago Northshore in Wheeling, Illinois, just north of Chicago. It was attended by 405 delegates, speakers, sponsor representatives, and guests from more than 200 different companies and organizations. The agenda included more than 50 keynotes, case studies, workshops, roundtable discussions, focus groups, interactive think tanks, and more. Early feedback has been universally positive, and work is already underway to build upon this success and make next year’s summit event bigger and better. That is the shortest…

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Vichyssoise: A Sad Story with Lessons Learned for Food Safety & Quality Professionals

I attend a lot of conferences and summits. I know I’ve contributed to more than a hundred during my working life, to say nothing of events I attended as a delegate rather than as one of the organizers. There was an amazing presentation I saw many years ago that I probably think about and reference in conversation more often than the next several best presentations I have ever seen put together. It has been a little while since the last time I wrote about FSQ issues on this blog, and so I think it is high time to repeat some…

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Demonstrating the ROI of FSQ Digitization

One of the great challenges of Food Safety and Quality professionals is connecting what they do to the bottom line of the company, especially when they are advocating for new tools and capabilities. We have discussed this briefly before in an earlier blog post. While FSQ is vital to the success of every business that works with food, it is not a profit generator or a competitive advantage. There is also a natural and deep-seated conservatism in tinkering with what already works among the people responsible for safeguarding what we eat and drink. All this adds up to it being…

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