


Ideas and Innovations on Mentoring, Sponsoring, and Reverse-Mentoring

As I write this, Executive Platforms organizes events for senior leaders relating to Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, supply chains in both North America and Europe, Technology, Human Resources, Finance, Food Safety and Quality, Sustainability, and Manufacturing. It is surprisingly easy to find common issues and challenges that people in positions of authority in these different roles have in common not just within their own disciplines, but across sectors. At some point as you rise through an organization, the specifics of your profession must include universals about leadership and people. You can have a conversation about a leader’s responsibilities and soft…

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Compensation, Benefits, and Incentives for Top Talent

I spent most of the past week speaking with senior HR professionals at Executive Platforms’ annual North American HR Executive Summit series in Orlando, Florida. Some of these conversations were with leaders responsible for tens of thousands of employees, and others were with executives from industry-leading companies with as few as 25 highly skilled and highly coveted experts on staff. From globally recognized brands to the small but mighty companies the public at large cannot name but depend on every day, the same topic of conversation came up over and over again: The disruption of the last three years has…

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