


The Looming Talent Crisis, Crunch, and Chaos Bottlenecking the Future of Medicine

In many ways, the next ten years promise to be the single brightest decade the pharmaceutical world has ever seen, and we are speaking about an industry that has gone from strength to strength for most of its history. Not only are Small Molecule products undergoing a renaissance powered in part by Digital Transformation while Large Molecule products are finally enjoying their first Golden Age as a now established and mature biopharmaceutical sector within the larger whole, but a whole new and novel generation of products is at last reaching the tipping point of commercialization and stands at the cusp…

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Fixing the Peter Principle in Large Organizations

The Peter Principle states, “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to the level of their incompetence.” This is one of those ideas that has been around so long, it has become a joke where the punchline is that everyone knows it is true. We all can think of someone who is bad at their job who got to where they are because they were great at what they were doing before. It is a serious problem that can lead to disastrous long-term results for any organization unlucky enough to have its rising talent find themselves moved upwards into…

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Institutional Knowledge Retention in a Time of High Turnover

We all know a ‘go-to person’ at work. They are competent, hard-working, knowledgeable, experienced. They are who you rely upon when you have questions or need results. Sometimes we refer to these people as Top Talent, but there are also all kinds of rank-and-file employees who are the difference-makers in everything they do without being interested in climbing corporate ladders. Whatever we call them, leaders depend on them. Teams revolve around them. Businesses would struggle to function without them. When ‘The Great Resignation’ was all anyone could talk about and ‘Talent Retention’ became something every organization focused on, all of…

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The Holidays – The Most Productive Unproductive Time of the Year

Full Disclosure: I write this on the morning of our office holiday party. The afternoon is a write-off, and from here until the New Year Executive Platforms will probably never have a working day where all hands are on deck again. From now on, everything will be done with an understanding that things may take a little more time or even need to be put away for a while. Businesses everywhere are entering a period where productivity is going to fall off, and there is nothing even the best manager can do to prevent it. In fact, the best managers…

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