


The Must-Dos of Institutional Knowledge Retention

2024 is going to be a year like any other for senior executives, only more so. The trends we have been talking about for years are only accelerating. What was once a trickle is becoming a flood. Where we used to talk about future trends, now we are seeing things really happening every day, and each day sees more of it than the last. Now I could use those first four sentences to start a blog post about any number of topics right now, but I’m going to put two specific thoughts out there and then talk about them for…

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Institutional Knowledge Retention in a Time of High Turnover

We all know a ‘go-to person’ at work. They are competent, hard-working, knowledgeable, experienced. They are who you rely upon when you have questions or need results. Sometimes we refer to these people as Top Talent, but there are also all kinds of rank-and-file employees who are the difference-makers in everything they do without being interested in climbing corporate ladders. Whatever we call them, leaders depend on them. Teams revolve around them. Businesses would struggle to function without them. When ‘The Great Resignation’ was all anyone could talk about and ‘Talent Retention’ became something every organization focused on, all of…

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