


Survey Results: Top-of-Mind Issues and Challenges Facing Senior Manufacturing Executives

As senior leaders register for Executive Platforms’ events they are asked to complete a detailed questionnaire that allows us to better understand their role within their organizations and what they want to take away from our gatherings. By and large this information is not published for a number of reasons, but a few months ago we used some of it in developing the questions and prompts for the first edition of our popular new Speaker Roundtable series, and we thought it might be valuable and interesting to take some of our preparatory notes and translate them into a short blog…

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Building Towards Long-Term Goals in a Quarterly Report World

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it has been under construction every day for centuries. So many of the issues we talk about at Executive Platforms events, in this blog, and through our podcast need to be discussed within the framework of a journey, because the destination is not something that will be reached in a matter of days, or weeks, or months, or even years. In many cases organizations commit themselves to a journey knowing from the very beginning that there will never be a stopping point. A Journey of Continuous Improvement, for example, is the commitment to…

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Building Sustainability into Corporate Culture

Unilever is one of the world’s largest multinational consumer goods companies. From food and refreshments, to home care, to beauty & personal care products, if you are not using a Unilever brand, you are using a Unilever competitor who very much has Unilever in mind when it chooses how to source, make, distribute, market, and deliver its products. Unilever is an industry leader and a trendsetter whose business decisions reverberate across economies. Unilever is also committed to being a Sustainability-focused company. They have spoken about it a number of times at Executive Platforms events, and they are very happy to…

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