


Avoiding the Curse of Shelfware

A universal fear of anyone who buys new equipment or systems for their company is that they might make the wrong choice and end up with nothing to show for their outlay of expense and effort but a never-used user manual that sits somewhere in their office, mocking them every time they look at it. Whatever they were trying to do with the best of intentions, somehow instead of hardware or software all they ended up with was shelfware. I love the word shelfware. Even just the sound of it conveys disappointment and defeat wrapped up in a vague but…

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Building Towards Long-Term Goals in a Quarterly Report World

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it has been under construction every day for centuries. So many of the issues we talk about at Executive Platforms events, in this blog, and through our podcast need to be discussed within the framework of a journey, because the destination is not something that will be reached in a matter of days, or weeks, or months, or even years. In many cases organizations commit themselves to a journey knowing from the very beginning that there will never be a stopping point. A Journey of Continuous Improvement, for example, is the commitment to…

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