


The Looming Talent Crisis, Crunch, and Chaos Bottlenecking the Future of Medicine

In many ways, the next ten years promise to be the single brightest decade the pharmaceutical world has ever seen, and we are speaking about an industry that has gone from strength to strength for most of its history. Not only are Small Molecule products undergoing a renaissance powered in part by Digital Transformation while Large Molecule products are finally enjoying their first Golden Age as a now established and mature biopharmaceutical sector within the larger whole, but a whole new and novel generation of products is at last reaching the tipping point of commercialization and stands at the cusp…

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A Focus on the Fundamentals During the Fastest Growth in the History of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

How fast is too fast when we are talking about the future of medicine? This is not a new question, but it is being asked at a time of unprecedented change and at the tipping point of a whole new generation of products starting to enter commercialization. Between Cell and Gene Therapy, mRNA vaccine technology, and the full width and breadth of other R&D efforts across the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical space, the drug development pipeline has grown from 11 to 21 percent since the global pandemic with no sign of slowing down. All this is happening during a time of…

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